a spider on a white surface

Why Are Spiders In Your Home? Here’s What You Can Do

There's no shame in fleeing to the other room the moment you see an eight-legged monster crawling across your ceiling. After all, spiders have what it takes to make just about anyone's skin crawl. They're icky, their webs are sticky, and encountering one can be tricky.

Spiders are most active during late summer and early autumn, but they can still make an entrance during other times of the year. If you're asking yourself, "why are there spiders in my home?" the service professionals at Greenix Pest Control are here to help answer that question and resolve the issue altogether.

Types of Spiders Found in Homes

The types of spiders you might be seeing in your home ultimately depends on where you live. You might not care to get up close and personal to identify the nasty little thing, and we get it. However, knowing the kind of spider you have on your hands could be the difference between a little discomfort and something to really be worried about.

Some common spiders you might be seeing include:

  • American house spider
  • Wolf spider
  • Cellar spider
  • Jumping spider
  • Black widow
  • Brown Recluse

Why Spiders Come Indoors

Spiderlings are grouped together on a web.

Whether you're seeing harmless jumping spiders commonly found in homes or have venomous visitors that are beyond unwelcome near you and your family, there's a common reason behind why you may be finding spiders in your home: prey.

Similar to other pests, food motivates spiders to enter a home, where they can also find water and shelter. But when it comes to spiders, other insects or smaller spiders are typically their prey of choice, and they'll go where that prey is. Therefore, seeing many spiders in and around your home is a sign of another pest problem.

Alternatively, as warm weather approaches in the spring, baby spiders could be hatching, emerging, and spreading throughout your home if Mama Spider had taken up residence in your home, finding the shelter and other resources she needed to reproduce in your household. Different species of spiders can produce hundreds or even a thousand offspring. As they grow and mature, you might begin to notice them.

How To Get Rid of Spiders in Your Home

While not all spiders are dangerous to you, that doesn't make them any less unpleasant to have around. Fortunately, there are many methods you can use to send spiders on their way, eight legs and all.

Sweep, Vacuum, and Dust

A blue broom sweeps dust and fur off of a wooden floor.

Spiders prefer to find the places in your home where they won't be bothered including dark, dusty corners. If a spider has moved in or left egg sacs behind, they're most likely going to be in those spaces.

Arm yourself with a vacuum and cover every inch of your house. Use the hose to suck up any egg sacs or individual spiders you encounter. Use a broom or a dusting rag to tackle areas the vacuum can't reach. Bag and dispose of anything you collect.

Protect Your Home

There are several methods to deter spiders. White vinegar in a spray bottle mixed with equal parts water is a great, simple way to keep spiders away. Simply spray this mixture in high-volume areas and around the perimeter of your home.

You can do the same with peppermint or eucalyptus essential oil if you prefer; 10 drops in a 16-ounce spray bottle is a good ratio.

Seal Openings

Cracks in your foundation and small openings in windows and doors are an open invitation for spiders and other pests. Use an eagle eye to identify any possible places that an itsy-bitsy spider might find a way in, then use an appropriate sealer to make it no more. Even placing mesh screens in your vents can be a way to keep them out.

Spider Control With a Greenix Service Professional

If you're facing an infestation of spiders in a new home, sometimes the simple remedies just aren't enough. Your peace of mind is important, but your health and safety is an even higher priority.

Harmless spiders might be giving you the heebie-jeebies, but the more threatening species, such as the black widow and the brown recluse, are serious concerns that should be handled with the utmost care. Bites from these spiders can be painful or even deadly.

But we're not trying to scare you. Instead, we're here to help. Spiders in your home are no joke, and at Greenix Pest Control, we'll be more than happy to step in and treat the problem quickly and effectively.

Contact us today to get your initial pest inspection scheduled with a Greenix Pest Control Service Professional!

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