Voles be gone
Vole Control
Keep your lawn the envy of every neighborhood dad

Take Back Your Yard With Trusted Vole Removal Experts
How We Help Protect You

What Are the Fours Types of Voles
Voles are a small rodent, similar to mice and rats. There are four types of voles and they all share common characteristics, including their tendency to damage yards.
The four types of voles are:
- Meadow voles: The most common type of vole found in the U.S. They breed rapidly and live in gardens, yards, and farms. They eat grass, seeds, bark, clover, and alfalfa.
- Prairie voles: Found throughout the US, these voles can be found populating residential yards, agricultural fields, gardens, and golf courses. They feed on roots, grasses, tree bark, and insects.
- Water voles: They love to swim, and prefer to live near water sources such as creeks, ponds, and brooks. They can be seen searching for seeds, bulbs, and roots to eat in gardens.
- Woodland voles: After reaching adulthood, these voles live for just a few months. They are commonly found near homes with gardens and feed off of seeds, grasses, fallen fruit, bark, and roots.
Our professional technicians have the knowledge to properly identify the type of vole you have. After proper identification, we craft a personalized plan to rid your yard of voles.
The Greenix Process
getting the job done right
We've got your home covered from the foundation all the way to its tallest eaves.

Inspect Property For Rodent Activity
Inspect Property For Rodent Activity
Place Bait Stations Every 12-30 Feet
Place Bait Stations Every 12-30 Feet
Inspect And Refresh Existing Stations
Inspect And Refresh Existing Stations
Follow Up And Adjust As Necessary
Follow Up And Adjust As Necessary

Inspect Property For Rodent Activity
Inspect Property For Rodent Activity
Place Bait Stations Every 12-30 Feet
Place Bait Stations Every 12-30 Feet
Inspect And Refresh Existing Stations
Inspect And Refresh Existing Stations
Follow Up And Adjust As Necessary
Follow Up And Adjust As Necessary

Inspect Property For Rodent Activity
Inspect Property For Rodent Activity
Place Bait Stations Every 12-30 Feet
Place Bait Stations Every 12-30 Feet
Inspect And Refresh Existing Stations
Inspect And Refresh Existing Stations
Follow Up And Adjust As Necessary
Follow Up And Adjust As Necessary

Inspect Property For Rodent Activity
Inspect Property For Rodent Activity
Place Bait Stations Every 12-30 Feet
Place Bait Stations Every 12-30 Feet
Inspect And Refresh Existing Stations
Inspect And Refresh Existing Stations
Follow Up And Adjust As Necessary
Follow Up And Adjust As Necessary

Where Do Voles Live?
Voles also feed off vegetation like plants, roots, bulbs, bark, fruits, and nuts. They will stay near the ground where they can eat, and they won't stay long if they venture into your home.

Are Voles Dangerous?
Although not considered a serious threat to humans, voles can transmit diseases through their urine and feces and introduce parasites like fleas and ticks to your property.
As voles create tunnels, your yard, and all the hard work you put into landscaping it, will be significantly damaged by their presence. They create pathways of dead grass throughout yards and snack on garden plants during their ventures.

The Greenix Approach To Vole Control
For maximum protection against voles, our service professionals perform our effective rodent baiting service.
Our service involves:
- Carefully inspecting your property and identifying the type of vole in your yard
- Placing a minimum of 5 bait boxes throughout your property
- Inspecting bait boxes every 60 days and replacing bait when necessary
Our cement bait boxes contain specially formulated bait that attracts voles and acts as a blood thinner. This bait sends the voles away from your property in search of water. Each box is secure, so you never have to worry about nosy kids or pets coming into contact with the bait. Give us a call to schedule your free consultation and kick voles to the curb with the help of our service pros.
Take Back Your Peace of mind
Trust the Pest Nerds, That’s Us.
Have questions about getting rid of pesky nuisance pests? Want to get an appointment scheduled for fast service? Please give us a call here or contact us for your free quote.