Peace of mind begins here with pest control
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Pest-free living in Lancaster
The Greenix 6-Step Process
getting the job done right
We've got your home covered from the foundation all the way to its tallest eaves.

20 Point Inspection
20 Point Inspection
Eave Sweep & Dust
Eave Sweep & Dust
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Granular Pest Barrier
Granular Pest Barrier
Home Interior Protection
Home Interior Protection

20 Point Inspection
20 Point Inspection
Eave Sweep & Dust
Eave Sweep & Dust
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Granular Pest Barrier
Granular Pest Barrier
Home Interior Protection
Home Interior Protection

20 Point Inspection
20 Point Inspection
Eave Sweep & Dust
Eave Sweep & Dust
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Granular Pest Barrier
Granular Pest Barrier
Home Interior Protection
Home Interior Protection

20 Point Inspection
20 Point Inspection
Eave Sweep & Dust
Eave Sweep & Dust
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Granular Pest Barrier
Granular Pest Barrier
Home Interior Protection
Home Interior Protection

20 Point Inspection
20 Point Inspection
Eave Sweep & Dust
Eave Sweep & Dust
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Granular Pest Barrier
Granular Pest Barrier
Home Interior Protection
Home Interior Protection

20 Point Inspection
20 Point Inspection
Eave Sweep & Dust
Eave Sweep & Dust
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Granular Pest Barrier
Granular Pest Barrier
Home Interior Protection
Home Interior Protection

Greenix Pest Control Lancaster, PA
There are many reasons that Lancaster, Pennsylvania, stands out amongst other cities. Visitors might say it's because of its role in the Revolutionary War all the way back in 1777, while residents might say it's nature that has remained despite our country's seemingly endless development. Either way, Lancaster has a deep and rich history as an important town in America and continues to honor the natural landscape for everyone to enjoy.
Though the preservation of natural land is important, it does come with a cost. When your home backs up to a forest or undeveloped land, it's likely that you'll attract pests. Greenix Pest Control Lancaster, PA, offers a convenient solution, taking the burden of pest control off your shoulders and helping you keep your home safe all year long.

Lancaster Pest Control
Our Pest Control Services
Where there's one pest, there's usually more. Pests beget pests, so working with a pest control company that covers all the bases is crucial in truly protecting your home. Greenix covers over 50 different pests common to the Lancaster area, helping you keep your home yours. Some of our pest control services include:

The Exterminator Lancaster, PA Knows and Trusts
When it comes to finding a professional pest control company to work with, there are a few things you want to look for. A professional pest control company should:
Treat and prevent pests through their pest control methods
Communicate every step of the process with you
Provide top-notch services and solutions to protect you and your home
Offer quarterly maintenance to stay ahead of pests each year
When you're ready for pest control services, partner with your neighbors at Greenix Pest Control Lancaster, PA. We go above and beyond to help our community stay as pest-free as possible.
Dealing With Pests
Rodent Control
Do squeaks and the pitter-patter of small feet scurrying around haunt you each night? Nothing can keep you up at night like rodents running amuck! Take back control of your home and avoid the horrifying haunts with the help of Greenix Pest Control Lancaster, PA. When you partner with your local pest control company, you can effectively eliminate rodents from your home!
Termite Prevention
Not sure whether you've got flying ants or termites? Though they look similar, one is seemingly harmless, while the other can destroy your home right under your nose. Greenix offers professional termite prevention, so you don't have to worry about identifying these types of pests on or around your property.
Ant Control
Though they be but small, they are messy! Ants may not cause direct harm to you and your family, but they sure can cause an unsightly mess. Trails leading in and out of your home, covering your trash cans, cereal boxes, and pantry items have caused plenty of people to throw out all their food and start fresh. Unfortunately, this is only a band-aid solution. Greenix offers ant control to target the source of the ants, not just the ones who have made their way inside, ridding your space of ants!
Mosquito Control
Got mosquitoes? That bites! When you find yourself pocked with itchy red bites all over your body, it's time to get in touch with the professionals. Greenix can help with our top-notch mosquito control. Our process doesn't just involve treating mosquitoes; we aim to prevent them, too. Instead of dealing with incessant bites, kick mosquitoes to the curb with Greenix!

Take Back Your Peace of mind
Trust the Pest Nerds, That’s Us.
Have questions about getting rid of pesky nuisance pests? Want to get an appointment scheduled for fast service? Please give us a call here or contact us for your free quote.