The literal stuff of nightmares
Spider Control
Contact Greenix Pest Control today, and rid your home of spiders.

Wave Goodbye To Spider Webs And Infestations
Whether it's spiders or some other pest trying to stay for dinner, Greenix can help you protect your home from more than 50 different pests, including spiders, all year long. Just give us a call, and we'll contact you to schedule your free consultation within 48 hours.
Types Of Spiders
There are thousands of spiders in the world, and in the United States alone, there are more than 3,500 species. Luckily, the number of spiders likely to enter your home is much smaller.
The spiders our pest control experts have treated include:
Black Widows
While they aren't very big (female black widows only get to be about ½ inch), black widows strike fear in the hearts of many homeowners. Characterized by their jet-black bodies and distinctive red markings with the female typically displaying a red hourglass mark. In homes, they can be found building webs under desks and other furniture. If you are unlucky enough to be bitten by one of these spiders, seek immediate medical attention, as their venom has systemic effects on the body like muscle spasms and abdominal cramps.
Brown Recluses
Brown recluses, as their name suggests, are reclusive arachnids and tend to hide in boxes and other dark areas. They'd rather hide than bite you, but if they do bite you, watch out! Brown recluses are one of the few spiders in North America with medically significant venom, meaning that a bite from these guys require immediate medical attention.
Wolf Spiders
Similar to brown recluses, wolf spiders are solitary hunters that use their excellent eyesight, rather than a web, to hunt and ambush their prey.
Hobo Spiders
Often confused with wolf spiders and even brown recluses (the markings are different, but we don't blame you for not wanting to get too close), hobo spiders are typically called funnel-web spiders because of the funnel-like web they use to trap prey. They can grow to be up to 17 mm long and dark brown in color.
Cellar Spiders
Cellar spiders, sometimes called daddy long-leg spiders, are characterized by their long slender legs and irregular web shape. Expect to find spindle-legged spiders in your attic or cellar where the environment is dark and damp.
Jumping Spiders
Small and furry, these spiders tend to ambush their prey rather than wait for it to crawl into their web. As their name suggests, these spiders can jump up to six inches. That may not seem very high, but it's probably enough to startle you.
The Greenix 6-Step Process
getting the job done right
We've got your home covered from the foundation all the way to its tallest eaves.

20 Point Inspection
20 Point Inspection
Eave Sweep & Dust
Eave Sweep & Dust
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Granular Pest Barrier
Granular Pest Barrier
Home Interior Protection
Home Interior Protection

20 Point Inspection
20 Point Inspection
Eave Sweep & Dust
Eave Sweep & Dust
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Granular Pest Barrier
Granular Pest Barrier
Home Interior Protection
Home Interior Protection

20 Point Inspection
20 Point Inspection
Eave Sweep & Dust
Eave Sweep & Dust
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Granular Pest Barrier
Granular Pest Barrier
Home Interior Protection
Home Interior Protection

20 Point Inspection
20 Point Inspection
Eave Sweep & Dust
Eave Sweep & Dust
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Granular Pest Barrier
Granular Pest Barrier
Home Interior Protection
Home Interior Protection

20 Point Inspection
20 Point Inspection
Eave Sweep & Dust
Eave Sweep & Dust
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Granular Pest Barrier
Granular Pest Barrier
Home Interior Protection
Home Interior Protection

20 Point Inspection
20 Point Inspection
Eave Sweep & Dust
Eave Sweep & Dust
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Granular Pest Barrier
Granular Pest Barrier
Home Interior Protection
Home Interior Protection

Can I Prevent Spiders From Getting Into My House?
In addition to sealing your home up tight, it's also important to address any other pest issues you have going on around your home. Spiders, like other insects, enter homes in search of food, and if they can find a meal they like in your home, they're likely to stay. If you utilize monthly services from Greenix to treat your home and address the other pest issues you have going on, the spiders will follow their food back outside.

Schedule Your Spider Control Service With Greenix
Spiders are scary enough without worrying about being bitten by one of the poisonous varieties. Don't try to rid your home of them alone! Call the spider control experts at Greenix for help! Our khaki-wearing superheroes will banish spiders from every nook and cranny with a variety of sustainable treatments.
Don't wait for an eight-legged weirdo to try and turn you into the next superhero. Get pricing from Greenix for spider control and prevention today!
Take Back Your Peace of mind
Trust the Pest Nerds, That’s Us.
Have questions about getting rid of pesky nuisance pests? Want to get an appointment scheduled for fast service? Please give us a call here or contact us for your free quote.