a close up ants

Signs You May Be Dealing With an Ant Infestation

There's nothing worse than picking up a piece of fruit from the bowl in your kitchen only to discover that it's covered with ants. Well, maybe picking up your toothbrush and seeing one crawling along the bristles—that's probably worse.

An ant infestation in the bathroom or kitchen can really ruin your peace of mind. Ants are notoriously difficult to kill; smash one, and you'll see at least two dozen crawling along the corners and in the grout lines of your shower or backsplash. But what you may not know is that DIY methods aren't usually that effective at eliminating ant infestations. Most of the time, these stopgap measures will only prolong the problem because they don't treat the issue at its source.

Greenix helps get rid of ant infestations with proven treatment methods to kill any of these existing invasive insects that are in your home and help take care of the problem where it has originated.

What causes an ant infestation?

Ant infestations don't happen without a good reason. Most of the time, that reason is food and water. Ants are always on the hunt for sources of sustenance for their colonies; anytime a single ant finds one and reports back, they start to swarm.

The most common attractions for ants tend to be uncovered food crumbs. Sugar, dog food, and cat food are all ideal finds for foraging ants. And because these foods are most often found in bathrooms and kitchens, there's lots of water for an ant colony to claim.

At the end of the day, you may not be doing anything wrong. Even if you keep a clean house and close all food containers, an ant colony may just want to pay you a visit because you live nearby. If your home has too many holes and openings near windows, doors, or your foundation, you're giving them an invitation to hang out.

Common signs of an ant infestation

So what do you look out for when it comes to ants? There are a few key details. Seeing ants themselves clustering around outside is a good indication that you might have an infestation in the future; seeing them in the house means you probably have a big problem on your hands already. This is especially true if you see them marching along in a trail; this means they're setting a pheromone trail to make the whole colony know that their new favorite restaurant—your home—is open for business.

In addition to ants themselves, you might also notice ant mounds outside your home. Even small mounds can be a sign of a huge problem because ants build massive lairs beneath the soil.

In the house, you should look for ants crawling in and out of outlets and tiny gaps in grout or drywall. This is a good indication that you have an ant infestation in your walls.

How do I deal with an ant infestation?

Killing an ant infestation with DIY tactics and treatments isn't advised. Sure, you might take out a couple of the ants that are visible, but what about the thousands of ants that are back at the colony? Unless your treatment involves baiting the ants with a substance they can take back to the nest, you'll probably have issues.

Part of what makes ant infestations so difficult to deal with is that ant colonies can be located hundreds of feet from your home. Because ants are so numerous, killing the handful in your home won't do anything to deter the remaining ones in their nest. Only by using proven treatments that can be taken back by a handful of ants will you eradicate the issue.

Contact Greenix to deal with your ant infestation

Don't panic if ants are running rough all over your kitchen or bathroom. Contact the pest control pros at Greenix to help tackle the problem. Our proven treatments can kill ants at the source, allowing you to enjoy peace of mind that your ant issue can be kept well under control. Greenix Pest Control is there to take care of the problems that pests bring.

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