a man sitting on a log reading a book

Tick Season is Coming: Defend Against Tick-Borne Illnesses

While ticks may or may not be on your list of things to consider as we head into warmer months, it's time to start thinking more and more about tick prevention and treatments for your home. Ticks are tiny parasites that thrive in grassy, wooded areas. They can transmit a range of diseases to humans and pets alike, making it essential to start thinking about prevention practices now.

Why should you be taking your tick control methods so seriously this year? In recent years, tick-borne diseases have become a growing concern in the United States, with Lyme disease being the most commonly reported illness. However, another tick-borne disease called Babesiosis is on the rise in the Northeast and can be fatal in rare cases. It is essential to be vigilant and take preventative measures to protect yourself and your family.

What's the Difference?

While the difference between Lyme disease and Babesiosis may seem small, you can usually tell right away when you have contracted Lyme disease due to the red rash that occurs at the site of the bite. Babesiosis is more concerning because it is on the rise, but it can be harder to diagnose. Both cause muscle aches and fevers, but Babesiosis also leads to chills, sweats, nausea, exhaustion, and even joint pain. Older or immunocompromised individuals are more at risk for contracting Babesiosis and having a severe reaction. The current fatality rate lies somewhere around 1-2% reported by Dr. Peter Krause, a research scientist at the Yale School of Public Health.

What Does That Mean for Your Home?

The time to start preventative practices is now. Tick activity rises and transmission increases around late May all the way to early September. Based on research, many experts believe that climate change has driven longer periods of heat and humidity in the Northeast, offering the perfect conditions for ticks. Prevention is the key to avoiding any tick-related diseases, so here is what you can do to protect your family at the peak of tick season:

  1. Wear protective, light-colored clothing to allow yourself to see the ticks more easily if they happen to get on your clothes. Wear long sleeves and pants, and tuck your pants into your socks or boots to prevent ticks from crawling up your legs.
  2. Check for ticks on your entire body, including your hair and scalp, after spending time outside. If you find a tick, remove it immediately with tweezers, grabbing it as close to the skin as possible and pulling straight up.
  3. Maintain your yard by keeping your lawn mowed and clear of tall grass, weeds, and brush. Remove any piles of leaves or debris, as these areas can provide a habitat for ticks.
  4. Protect your pets by keeping them on a leash when outside and check them regularly for ticks. Use a tick repellent product that is safe for your pet and follow the instructions carefully. Pets can be a way for ticks to get inside your home.
  5. Hire Greenix Pest Control to employ our tick control treatments that are designed to reduce the tick population on your property by 85-90%. Our trained professionals use environmentally-friendly methods to target ticks where they live and breed, reducing the risk of tick-related diseases. Bonus: our service also reduces the presence and dangers of mosquitoes and fleas.

If you haven't had a pest inspection in a while, it's time to schedule one. Contact the Greenix Pest Control in your area to schedule an inspection and keep your home pest-free all year long!

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