a close up of a spider

When Do Spider Infestations Become a Problem?

While spiders may not be everyone's favorite creature, these arachnids can be beneficial to have around your property. They provide a natural form of pest control, eating problematic bugs like mosquitoes, moths, and flies. However, a spider infestation inside your home can become an issue.


Below are some typical signs that your home could benefit from some professional spider control.

1. Your Home Has Constant Spider Webs

Where there are spider webs, there are spiders. Look for webs in your home's high points or darker, neglected areas, such as:

  • Ceiling corners
  • Closets
  • Around window and door frames
  • In your basement, attic, or garage

2. You're Finding Egg Sacs

Depending on the species, spiders can hatch anywhere from two to thousands of spiderlings at once. Spider egg sacs are tiny, round or disc-shaped bundles woven from a spider's silk. The eggs themselves will look similar to drops of liquid.

While some spiders, like the wolf spider, will carry their egg sac, others will attach it to a surface and allow the eggs to mature there. You can find egg sacs on a spider web or in places where you're likely to find spider webs, such as window frames, ceiling corners, attics, and basements.

3. You Keep Seeing Spiders

If it feels like you're seeing spiders every day, it's possible that some have recently hatched inside your home. You can use a cup and a stiff piece of paper to trap and move a spider outdoors.

However, if spiders are becoming a constant nuisance, it's best to involve a spider control expert for two reasons:

  • to help you control the existing spider infestation
  • to reduce entry points into your home that spiders are likely to use now and in the future

4. You Encounter Venomous Spiders.

There are two spiders in the United States that are considered venomous to humans by the CDC: the black widow and brown recluse.

  • Black Widows: These spiders have round, black bodies and a reddish hourglass shape on the underside of their abdomen.
  • Brown Recluses: Also known as "fiddleback spiders," these spiders range from light to dark brown and have a dark, violin-shaped marking on the top of their chest, right behind their head.

It's vital to seek medical attention after being bit by one of these spiders. If your home has an infestation of black widows or brown recluses, it's time to bring in a professional.

At Greenix Pest Control, we're dedicated to giving you peace of mind through sustainable pest control solutions so that you can enjoy a safe, comfortable home. Give us a call to schedule an inspection for any spider problems you're experiencing: (888) 800-7181.

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