a group of rodents on a shelf

How to Safely Clean Up Rodent Droppings

If you spot signs of rodent infestation in your home such as droppings or damage to food containers, it's important to take swift action. However, it's essential that you take all precautions to help protect yourself, your pets, and your family against potential disease.

To avoid catching rodent-borne disease, it's important to lean on pest control experts, including those at Greenix, to safely and effectively remove rodents from your home or business. We'll walk through steps on what to do when you identify rodent infestation or droppings.

What do rodent droppings look like?

Rat and mouse droppings have a bit of a difference in appearance. Rat droppings are shiny black and are about one-half to three-quarters of an inch long. Mouse droppings are smaller and smooth with pointed ends. Rodent droppings will often be found in silverware drawers, in pantries or cabinets behind food boxes, or under the kitchen sink near food.

1. Safety First: Put on a Pair of Gloves

When cleaning up rodent droppings, it's important to be cautious. Since these pests can carry diseases that are often airborne, you will want to avoid close contact. The first step is to put on a pair of plastic or rubber gloves. This will add a layer of protection for your skin against the droppings and the chemicals.

2. Spray Droppings With Disinfectant or Bleach Solution

Next, you'll want to spray the area of droppings with either a bleach solution or disinfectant. Let the cleaning solution soak for about five minutes.

3. Wipe up the Sprayed Area

Once soaked, pick up the rodent droppings with paper towels. You'll want to dispose of everything in a trash can that is regularly emptied or take it immediately out to a dumpster.

4. Clean All Surfaces

After you've removed the droppings, clean the area again with a disinfectant. Take time to s crub hard surfaces with a mop or sponge. It's important to not vacuum or sweep up rodent droppings, as bacteria and diseases can spread through the air. For soft surfaces, such as carpet or furniture, be sure to shampoo with a disinfectant.

5. Wash Hands With Gloves Still On

When you're finished thoroughly cleaning up, you'll want to wash your hands with your gloves still on. Washing your gloves with soap and water is essential to not further contaminate your home.

6. Remove Gloves and Wash Hands With Warm Soap and Water

Once your gloves are washed and off, wash your bare hands with warm soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub.

7. Call Greenix Pest Control To Schedule Rodent Removal Services

Attempting to treat rodent infestation without professional help can be risky. To avoid illness and disease, follow our recommended steps for removing rodent droppings and then call our team of pest experts at Greenix Pest Control. We provide sustainable rodent removal solutions to safely and effectively remove rodents and prevent them from returning. Call our team for a free quote or schedule your appointment online today!

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